Welcome to Class Artemis
Welcome back to Term 6. We hope that you have all had a lovely break and are ready for what is going to be a fun term.
Wow, where has this year gone! Can you believe the children will be coming back into their final term of Reception?
Term 6 is very busy with sports day, finding out about their year 1 class and teacher, as well as learning about life under the sea and pirates.
Thank you for doing an amazing job of nurturing the seeds and growing fabulous plants. They have been measured, sorted and planted in our schools gardening area. The children were brilliant at observing their plants grow and describing how they looked after their plants.
Whilst learning about under the sea and pirates, the children will be going on a school trip to the aquarium. More detailed information will be shared with you in due course.
Please find below our Term 6 newsletter, with all the exciting learning that will be taking place, important dates (sports day, beginning and end of term) and of course reminders of PE and forest school days.
PE will continue to take place on Mondays, and PE kit must be worn to school. Forest school will be taking place on Wednesdays, and please ensure welly boots, waterproof trousers and coats are labelled and are in school on the first week back.
Sun hats are to be brought to school daily, and sun cream needs to be applied before the children come to school. Please do not send sun lotion into school as stated in our schools policy.
Water bottles must be brought in everyday full of water, and we will top this up throughout the day.
Everyone is doing a great job with reading regularly, and the children are over the moon with their certificates and visiting the treasure chest. Thank you for your continued support at home. Don't forget to access Numbots and Oxford Owl to support them with consolidating their maths and reading too.
If you have any spare clothing, (trousers, shorts, t-shirts, jumpers, skirts, dresses, socks or pants) we would gratefully accept them to restock our supply. Thank you!
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
The Reception Team
(Mrs Dare, Mrs Reilly and Mrs Nicholson)