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St John's Mead

Church of England Primary School

‘Valuing Effort, Valuing Others, Valuing Self’

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2015 - 16 Minutes

School Council Minutes 23.11.15


We would like to start off by saying that all of the R.A.Ts has been completed, most with positive results. Lining up to get toast and coming into the hall was good, and when you were leaving the hall, good as well. However, our councillors from Discovery and Explorer have reported that KS1 sometimes barge past each other and are pushing in. The corridors outside Sputnik and Viking need to be improved as there were P.E bag strings hanging down from the pegs, creating a trip hazard. Genesis has said that their pegs need to be bigger because things keep falling off of them, and generally, the cloakrooms need to be tidier.


We have received more ideas for charities, and the top 3 seem to be Red Nose Day, Christmas box, and Cancer Research. The Christmas box has been completed, so don’t vote for that again. Please try and come up with new ideas for raising money such as the RSPCA as we can sponsor them all year round.


Also, make sure that you are not going onto the grass and then onto the fake grass, as it gets muddy and then very messy, If it is muddy, stick to one of the other, preferably the fake grass.

Mrs Patterson has taken the time to come in and talk to the School Council and has suggested some equipment ideas. Some included: some swinging equipment, a water and sand, liquids and loose items or a space where you can chat with your friends-or be alone. She also mentioned the match scheme for the trim trail, but commented that we liked a challenge and should have something more challenging as equipment. She showed us pictures of a log challenge, a climbing bench, a log tepee, and a whole catalogue.


Next meeting: 26th November 2015 Chair: Heidi

School Council Minutes 06.01.16


First of all, we hope you all had a great Christmas and had an amazing New Year!

But, to start off the first minutes of 2016, we have discussed charities, which included Help for Heroes, Blue Cross, Cancer Research, Guide Dogs, RSPCA, Red Nose Day and Hosanna School. However, the favourites seem to be: Blue Cross, RSPCA, Guide Dogs for the blind, Cancer Research, Hosanna School, and possibly Red Nose Day. Please can you, in your classes, vote on those charities?


Please also keep on having the class meetings as at the last meeting, over half of the representatives said that they have not had a class meeting, you need to in order for your class to have a say on what happens to the school.


The fir tree next to the nursery is being used to climb on, please do not do that as it is not safe and when the older children climb it, it encourages the younger ones and they can hurt themselves. 


School Council have also discussed pet day. However we would also have to discuss pet allergies and what pets we would be allowed to bring in. 


Some people have been saying that they`re purple pens have been going missing and that some people have been putting them in their pencil cases. Please leave the purple pens where they should be in the class and no putting them with your own things. As well as that, don`t take them apart, some cannot be fixed and that means the school has to pay out to buy more. 

Another thing, please take care of your books as in, not doodling on them or ripping the pages. Books are something to take pride in and drawing pictures or writing unnecessarily just makes them look messy. 


Please also take care of the school’s pencils, they are there for you to use and by snapping them, it means that either the school has to buy more or people have to bring in their own. Take care of the pencils as some people need to use them. 


Some of the girls in Y5/6 have been complaining about no mirrors in their toilets, there has been no decision about that, but School Council will discuss it again. 



Next meeting: Thursday 14th January 2016                 Chair: Heidi        
